
Hello Paris!

So. Next week FMB are heading off to the beautiful city of Paris! I've never been before (except to Disney Land Paris!) so i can't wait to see what it has to offer! I can't stop thinking about what to take...i sense the fashion girls are definitly going to be looking their best! No pressure! :p Anyway, i just can't wait to get there and take it all in. My camera will be attached to my hand at every moment! We're going for almost a week with the main reason being to go to Premier Vision which should be such a good experience! A right proper look into the designers world. Only 11 days to go now so i best get packinggg :) :) :)
G x


London Fashion Week!

Last summer one of my sisters was lucky enough to work backstage at London Fashion Week and she's been asked to do it again next month. BUT she's also managed to get me in! Her friend who works there emailed me yesterday asking for details! It would be the most fantastic experience ever! However, i know i have uni deadlines around the dates they want me which causes a huge dilemma! I guess i'll just have to work my way around it somehow because who is stupid enough to let working at LFW slip through their fingers!?
I'll let you know what happens!
G x


The big blue box!

In November I went to Covent Garden with my uni course for research for our L'oreal project. Best part of the day though was when we went to Somerset House for an exhibition. They had their festive ice rink in full view but what I loved most was the christmas pop up shop Tiffanys had there! It was a tuck shop made out of a giant version of their infamous blue box. It was amazing! Inside was like a little grotto. There were Tiffany designed cupcakes (i'm obsessed with cupcakes by the way!) and also seasonal jewlerry such as ice skate and candy cane charms. It was really pretty and as a true Tiffanys fan I just fell in love with it!
G x



I can't believe how long it's been since my last post! Uni work got a little bit too crazy at the end of last term but here's to me getting back on track with Betty :)
G x
p.s. Happy new year!